Author Archive: David Fonsbo

Fake profiles

We have noticed that a certain kind of profiles has no profile image. These profiles are created by robots and they are only trying to post a link to mainly two types of sites. Medicine for huge erections and hard core adult sites. They are using these kind of marketing because Google gives them a really hard time getting indexed. The consequence is that all FREE profiles older that three months will be deleted! If you have a paid membership,


Discount codes for Dating a Vegetarian.

Being a Vegan or a Vegetarian has never been easier than today. More and more people are are leaving meat behind to become more healthy and somebody may even beĀ attempting to save the world! Reasons for being a Vegan or a Vegetarian are often health or animal welfare. Some people also become vegetarians for religious or spiritual reasons. What ever your reason are for being a Vegetarian you are invited inside here to find like-minded friends and relationships based on